Homewood Hotel and Spa is a privately owned luxury countryside hotel in Somerset, UK. The ten acre property welcomes guests with an elegant mixture of historic architecture and modern luxury, complete with fine dining, plush rooms, and spa amenities
Setting itself apart from other boutique hotels, and enhancing the guest experience of its outdoor spaces, Homewood recognized a need for completing the atmosphere by adding the right touch of audio. Adding an audio system would be a great complement to their stunning outdoor terrace dining, but it had to be discreetly hidden and it had to provide an even, balanced listening experience for the comfort of the guests. The music had to be loud enough for guests to be drawn in, but low enough for comfortable conversation.

In order to provide an even and balanced listening experience throughout the terrace, Tim and his team installed Sonance Landscape Series. The system includes 16 satellite speakers that are staked along the perimeter, and two 12” in-ground subwoofers. Their strategic placement allow the system to blend in while blanketing the space with comfortable music.

“We’ve discovered that the excellent detail and bandwidth available from Sonance actually allows the system to run at a lower volume level while keeping the perception of audio quality. In this way the system produces a relaxing backdrop, encouraging social interaction without competing with it. It’s perfect for the subtle but enveloping audio quality and control that Ian was seeking for the terrace.”
Sonance Landscape Series : LS4T, LS12T Designed to mimic a landscape lighting aesthetic. Sonance Laminated Core Transformer with adjustable tap for 70V/100V or 8 Ohm configuration. UV-resistant composite enclosure.
The Ian and Christa are astounded with the audio quality of the Sonance Landscape Series system. Hotel guests enjoy exceptional music to complete their experience on the terrace, whether it is dining during the day, or partying on a Friday night.