Extremely decerning clientele, who demand the absolute finest quality and luxury lifestyle in everything they do. This meant, that whatever was deployed, it needed to deliver the highest quality sound quality, combined with an aesthetic that did not distract from the stunning
surroundings. Moreover, it would need to withstand the harsh environmental conditions of the region, without the sound quality or appearance deteriorating over time.
The objective was to deliver balanced & even audio coverage throughout the outdoor space, whilst blending into the landscape garden areas around the pools and outdoor seating areas.
98 Omni 6T speakers, combined with 119 of the LS6T landscape speakers were deployed on this project, providing coverage throughout the outdoor spaces of Katara Towers & delivering hi-fi delity audio, using Sonance’s laminated core transformer technology via 100v transmission.
Professional audio integration is more than merely fi lling an area with music. It’s a tangible design element and a critical part of the space’s environment that is meant to create a mood, elevate the senses, and not distract from the designer’s vision and aesthetic goals. For 40 years, the architectural speaker pioneers at Sonance have continually explored and refi ned the fi ne art of musical fi delity within a designed space, with their award-winning loudspeakers. This project is no exception, with breathtaking audio and aesthetics that are “designed to disappear” into the surroundings.
Do you have an upcoming event or project and need assistance on product selection? Or do you need expert advice? Drop us a note, we are ready to help.