HH Electronics


Meet the Q Series.

A series of 4 analogue mixing consoles which cover an array of live sound applications. Whether you’re podcasting, drum mixing, managing small ensembles, or handling live sound in churches and halls, the Q Series mixers are a fantastic tool to develop your mixing skills.

The Basics of Mixing

At its core, mixing is about balancing multiple audio sources to create a cohesive sound. The process involves adjusting levels, EQ, and effects for each input channel, and then combining them into a final output. Sounds simple, right? Let’s break it down.

1. Input Stage:

At its core, mixing is about balancing multiple audio sources to create a cohesive sound. The process involves adjusting levels, EQ, and effects for each input channel, and then combining them into a final output. Sounds simple, right? Let’s break it down.

Microphone Inputs:

  • Sensitivity: Microphone inputs are designed to handle very low-level signals, typically in the range of -60 dBV to -40 dBV.
  • Preamp: They include a microphone preamplifier to boost the weak microphone signal to line level.
  • Phantom Power: Many mic inputs provide phantom power (usually +48V) for condenser microphones.
  • Impedance: Mic inputs typically have a low impedance, around 1.5 kΩ to 3 kΩ.
  • Connector: Usually XLR connectors, though some mixers use 1/4″ TRS jacks for mic inputs.

Line Inputs:

  • Sensitivity: Designed for much stronger signals, typically around -10 dBV (consumer level) or +4 dBu (professional level).
  • No Preamp: They don’t include a preamplifier as the signal is already strong enough.
  • No Phantom Power: Line inputs don’t provide phantom power.
  • Impedance: Higher impedance than mic inputs, often around 10 kΩ or higher.
  • Connector: Commonly use 1/4″ TS or TRS jacks, or RCA connectors for consumer gear.
  • In the context of the HH Audio Q Series mixers:
  • The Q6FX has 2 mono input channels (which can accept both mic and line level signals) and 2 stereo line input channels.
  • The Q8FX features 4 microphone inputs and 3 stereo line inputs.
  • The Q12FX offers 6 mic inputs, 4 mono line inputs, and 4 stereo line inputs.
  • The Q16FX provides 10 mic inputs, 8 mono line inputs, and 4 stereo line inputs.

This variety of inputs allows these mixers to accommodate a wide range of audio sources, from microphones to instruments to audio playback devices.

2. Gain Staging:

Gain staging is the process of controlling the level of your audio signal throughout the entire signal path. Ensuring that you keep a clean signal that is well above the noise floor and can be processed without clipping or introducing unwanted distortion before being sent to your output source.

To begin, ensure that your sound sources are producing an appropriate level of signal. This prevents you from needing to add large amounts of gain to achieve a good level. There is a lot of input gain on tap with Q Series mixers (+5 to +45dB), however, a side effect of needing to add too much input gain to get to an appropriate level can be introducing unwanted noise into the signal path. So, getting the right level from your sound source will start you off on the right foot.

Next, adjust your input gain to give your signal enough headroom. Headroom is how much room your signal has before becoming distorted and clipping. This breathing space for your audio signal acts as a buffer to allow for any additional level you may introduce from EQing, enabling the built-in DSP effects or for dynamic changes from your sound source. Dynamic changes could be from electric guitar boost pedals or fluctuations in volume from your vocalist. Adjusting input gain for each channel so that the level peaks between -10 and -6dB is a good starting point.

Once your input gain is set you can move on to the built-in compressor featured on the Q8FX, Q12FX, and Q16FX. Compression helps to control the dynamic range of a sound source and is perfect for taming loud signals from sound sources with wide dynamic ranges whilst allowing quieter signals from the same source to be brought up to an appropriate level. The single knob compressor featured on Q8FX, Q12FX, and Q16FX mixers makes this process very easy.

Next, you can move on to shaping the tone of your sound sources with the 3-Band EQ. Note that by boosting frequencies you will be adding more gain to the signal path. Again, it’s important to leave enough headroom when setting your input gain to allow for this.

Always keep an eye out for the peak LED indicator illuminating on individual channels as well as on the main output meter. These indicators will highlight if there is a problematic signal clipping in your mix. Keep checking regularly as gain structure may shift during a performance.

Remember, proper gain staging is about finding the sweet spot where your signal is strong enough to maintain quality throughout the system, but not so strong that it causes distortion. It is a balancing act that becomes easier with practice and attentive listening.

3. EQ Adjustment:

Shape the tone of each input using the built-in EQ. The HH Q Series offers a 3-band EQ on each channel, with high (12kHz), mid (2.5kHz), and low (100Hz) frequency controls. This allows you to boost or cut individual frequency bands to enhance clarity and eliminate problematic resonances.

Using EQ on a mixing console isn’t quite the same as using the tone stack on a guitar amplifier as each channel on a mixer isn’t operating in complete isolation, it has a relationship with all the other channels. It’s important to be mindful of your whole mix when adjusting individual channel EQ, to ensure you achieve an overall balance.

The 3-band EQ on Q Series mixers offers the ability to cut and boost specific frequency bands which is perfect for shaping the tone of the sound source on the channel you’re adjusting and making space in the mix for sound sources on other channels. The ability to cut and boost these individual bands means that non-essential frequencies can be cut from one source to carve space for the fundamental frequencies of a different source on a different channel, thus creating a tonal balance between these sources. For example, cutting mid frequencies on electric guitar channels to ensure your lead vocal is crystal clear.

The 75Hz low-cut function on the Q8FX, Q12FX, and Q16FX can be a useful EQ tool when it comes to removing unwanted low rumble.

4. Adding Effects:

Enhance your mix with effects like reverb or delay. The HH Q Series mixers come with 16 built-in high-quality DSP effects including reverbs, delays and echoes. Having these effects built in allows you to These effects are based on hand-selected algorithms and are easily controlled via the FX enable button and parameter level knob (Q8FX, Q12FX and Q16FX).

5. Setting Levels:

Use the channel faders to balance the volume of different inputs in relation to each other. The larger Q12FX and Q16FX models also offer subgroup routing, allowing you to control multiple related channels together – that’s useful for a drum mix or for grouping backing vocals.

6. Monitoring:

Use headphones or monitor speakers to listen to your mix. The HH Q Series provides dedicated monitor outputs and a headphone out for this purpose. You can also set up monitoring for the musicians too, either in the form of a monitor wedge or in-ear monitoring via the Aux send outputs.

7. Main Output:

Finally, send your mixed audio to your main speakers. This is where the HH Tensor range of portable PA powered speakers comes in, offering clear and powerful sound reproduction for various venue sizes.

Mixing Scenarios


For podcasting, you will primarily use the mic inputs. Focus on clear vocal EQ and subtle compression (available on select HH Q Series models) to maintain consistent levels. The USB interface on all HH Q Series mixers allows easy recording to your computer. Now all you need to do is come up with an interesting podcast topic and you’re away!

In-Ear Monitor Mix for Drummers

Click-tracks and backing tracks are commonplace in larger scale productions, drummers can sometimes like to have control of these individual levels in their monitor mix (either in-ear or wedge) using a small mixer situated by their drum kit. The Q6FX would be a perfect solution for this scenario enabling the drummer to take feeds of these individual elements from a front of house engineer or a monitor engineer’s console. The drummer can then control the balance of these individual elements locally and adjust accordingly throughout the performance.

Balance is key for small ensembles. Here are some tips to get you started:

Input Assignment:

  • Use mic inputs for acoustic instruments and vocals.
  • Use line inputs for electronic instruments like keyboards or drum machines.

For the Q8FX, you have 4 mic inputs and 3 stereo line inputs, allowing for a good mix of acoustic and electronic sources.

EQ Adjustment:

  • Use the 3-band EQ on each channel to shape individual instrument tones.
  • Cut frequencies rather than boost where possible to carve space for other sound sources and reduce overall mud in the mix.
  • For vocals, a slight boost at around 2.5 kHz can improve clarity.
  • Utilise the 75Hz low-cut on Q8FX, Q12FX and Q16FX to remove low end rumble.

Creating Space in the Mix:

  • Pan instruments to create a stereo image. For instance, spread backing vocals slightly left and right of centre.
  • Use the built-in effects like reverb carefully to add depth without cluttering the mix.

Level Balancing:

  • Start with the main instrument or vocals at a comfortable level.
  • Bring in other instruments one by one, balancing them against the main element.
  • Use the faders to adjust the relative volumes of each instrument in the mix.

Subgrouping (for Q12FX and Q16FX):

  • Group similar instruments together (e.g., all vocals, all rhythm instruments) for easier control.
  • Use subgroup faders to adjust the overall balance of instrument groups.


  • Use the headphone output to critically listen to your mix.
  • If possible, set up a separate monitor mix (or in-ear mix) for the performers using the Aux send.

Dynamics Control:

  • For the Q8FX, use the built-in compressor on channels 1-2 for vocals or dynamic instruments.
  • On the Q12FX and Q16FX, take advantage of the compression on more channels for consistent levels.

 Feedback Management:

  • Use the 75Hz low cut/high pass filter on vocal mics to reduce low-frequency rumble and potential feedback.
  • If using the Q12FX or Q16FX, utilise the 9-band graphic EQ to notch out problematic frequencies in the room.

Effects Usage:

  • Use reverb sparingly to add depth to vocals or acoustic instruments.
  • Consider using a short delay on vocals for a thickening effect without muddying the mix.

Blend Acoustic and Electronic:

  • Balance the levels between acoustic instruments (via mic inputs) and electronic instruments (via line inputs) carefully.
  • Use EQ to carve out space for each instrument type in the frequency spectrum.

Aux Sends:

Utilise the Aux send for creating a separate monitor mix for the performers, or use it to send certain instruments to an external effects unit if needed.

Main Output:

  • Keep an eye on the main output meters, ensuring you are not overloading the system.
  • Aim to keep the main output around -6 dB to maintain headroom.

Sound Check:

  • Conduct a thorough sound check, listening to each instrument individually and in the context of the full ensemble.
  • Make notes of any problematic frequencies or balance issues to address during the performance.

Simple Recording:

Utilise the USB interface on any HH Q Series mixer for direct recording to your computer. Set your levels carefully and use the EQ to avoid frequency clashes between instruments.

Live Mixing in Churches, Halls, and other Venues:

For live mixing, start with a sound check to set initial levels and EQ. Use the graphic EQ on the Q12FX or Q16FX to tune the system to the room. Our Tensor range of PA speakers will ensure your mix translates well to the audience.

Final thoughts

The HH Q Series analogue mixing consoles provide a great training platform for becoming a competent audio engineer. They are easy to use, reliable, and have everything you need to build a perfect mix in a variety of situations – not to mention, they look great.

Designed and engineered by HH Audio (formerly HH Electronics), with a long-standing history in mixer design, the Q Series brings decades of British innovation to your audio productions. From our most compact mixer, the Q6FX, to the largest in the series, the Q16FX, there’s a mixer to suit a variety of needs.

Click here for original article.

HH Electronics


CAMBODIA – The latest addition to Phnom Penh’s bustling nightlife comes in the shape of the recently opened Ai Pub. As well as offering a rich variety of food and drink, the 700-capacity venue, located in the Boeung Kak district of the Cambodian capital, stages a wide range of live entertainment and has become an instant feature of the party scene. Live bands, DJ sets and promotional nights cater for birthday and works parties, corporate entertaining and casual get togethers with friends, in this unique, beautifully designed 875m² open space, complete with sliding roof and giant air-cooling fan.
Given the emphasis placed on non-stop music and dancing, as well as the high-profile artists, DJs and brands on show, the team at Ai paid careful attention to the selection of an audio system that could comfortably meet the requirements of a very busy and vibrant environment. The venue’s focus is very much directed towards its stage and the team wanted to install a competitively priced, compact, audio system that could be ground-stacked or flown to deliver powerful SPL. 
Ai consulted with leading Cambodian AV supplier Sounin Development GP Co Ltd, who recommended a TNA a line array system by HH Audio – a brand already under consideration by the venue team.
Perfect for medium sized venues like the Ai Pub, the TNA offers a compact, active package that is easy to set up and packs a powerful punch that belies its size. The system is based around the TNA-2120SA, a multi-channel active subwoofer with integrated Class D amplifier which features two high power 12” low frequency woofers with exceptionally high output, and the TNA-1800SA, a powerful single 18” active low frequency subwoofer.
With three channels of high performance amplification, the TNA-2120SA houses six cutting edge built-in DSP presets and as part of a modular system can power up to six satellite TNA-2051 passive, two-way compact line array loudspeakers, offering an ideal solution that does away with the extra expense of rack amplifiers and processors.

Engineer Sounin Chann comments:
“We recommended an HH TNA line array system which is ideal for this kind of installation. It delivers very punchy high quality audio from compact loudspeakers, easily handling the demands of what is a very varied programme. It’s incredible value for money, too. Often people think that a line array system will be outside their budget, but the TNA proves that this doesn’t have to be the case. The client didn’t hesitate to go with our recommendation and is very happy with the system, which sounds superb.”
At the Ai Pub Sounin Development installed an HH TNA Line array system comprising 1 x TNA-2120SA (2 x 12”) active subwoofer and 6 x TNA-2051 (2 x 5”) passive loudspeakers per side, supplemented by 4 x TNA-1800SA (single 18”) active subwoofers as fills. Stage monitoring is taken care of by 2 x HH TRM-1201 compact active monitors. An HH M-750D (2 x 750W) amplifier drives a further 6 generic fills, with the whole system controlled by a fully featured HH SP48 (4-IN/8-OUT) digital speaker management system. The SP48 contains expertly created presets for use with the TNA line array, enabling easy set up straight out of the box.
Ian Wright, Global Sales Director for HH Audio adds:
“Sounin Development continues to install HH Audio systems to great effect in a wide range of settings. The Ai pub has been an instant hit in Phnom Penh, hosting a number of high profile appearances by leading DJs and bands. We’re proud to see the TNA line array at the centre of this unique and eye-catching venue.”

Click here for original article.

HH Electronics

Tensor Go performs at Tring Park School

UK – Tring Park School for the Performing Arts is an independent, co-educational day and boarding school in Hertfordshire, UK. As a specialist provider of vocational training in the performing arts, the school offers courses that include dance, acting, commercial music and musical theatre, as well a full academic syllabus from Preparatory to A-Level.

It is one of only 21 schools selected to allocate government-funded Dance and Drama Awards, a scholarship scheme designed to subsidise the cost of professional dance and drama training for the most talented students at leading institutions. Since 1945, the school has been located in Tring Park Mansion, originally designed by Sir Christopher Wren and formerly occupied by the Rothschild family.
Audio technology plays a vital role in many areas of the school’s curriculum, particularly where its vocational courses are concerned, and the school recently took the decision to modernise its approach to provision for its many rehearsal rooms. Tring Park contacted regular supplier Studiospares of Luton for advice about easy to operate, flexible and portable systems that could deliver high-quality audio in often large reverberant spaces.

Greg Niedzwiecki, pro audio sales at Studiospares, recommended the versatile HH Electronics Tensor Go, a powerful portable PA system that can be operated cable-free thanks to its high-capacity integrated lithium-ion battery.

With four-channel integrated mic/line mixing functionality, high-grade balanced ¼ inch/XLR combination input connections, and a studio quality digital reverb, the Tensor Go has 4 professionally voiced presets – music, live, natural and speech which optimise its characteristics for different applications.
“The school had existing ‘installed’ systems and needed something a lot more flexible that could be used in several spaces,” comments Greg. “Having suggested the HH Tensor Go, we arranged an on-site demonstration in one of their dance rooms with some of the staff who’d potentially be using the systems. This enabled them to experience the unit’s punchy sound and see just how easily it could be set up and operated. The Go’s Bluetooth connectivity was another big plus – again quick and easy for staff and students to use.”

Following the demo, it was clear to the staff that the Tensor Go would not only comfortably cater for the rehearsal spaces they had in mind, but thanks to the flexibility and easy portability on offer, could also be deployed for outdoor live performances, small events and presentations.
Ultimately, the Tensor Go could be used as an all-rounder wherever quality audio was required on the site. Tring Park School invested in 10 x Tensor Go units.

Technician James Smith comments: “The units, which sound fantastic, provide us with portable, flexible audio that is ideal for our requirements in every area of the school. They’re quick and easy to set up, and represent great value for money. We’re very pleased with our investment in Tensor Go.”
HH Electronics

HH chosen for Houses of Worship in Malaysia

AV specialists Poly Entertainments of Ampang Jaya recently installed HH loudspeakers into the Surau ar-Raudhah mosque in Southville, Dengkil, where 6 x TNi-W6WH white, wall-mount speakers from our Tessen Installation Series elegantly and effortlessly match their surroundings to deliver crystal clear audio to the prayer room.
Meanwhile, in the eastern city of Kuantan, the Tamil Methodist Church arranged for the installation of a Tessen TNA line array to deliver power and punch for worship and music performances in its substantial space. A system comprising 6 x TNA-2051 units (flown 3 per side) and 2 x TNA-1200s floor-positioned subs, is completed by 2 x Tensor Series TRE-1201 full range active loudspeakers used as monitors.
All the products were supplied by our fantastic Malaysian distributor IMS Distribution.
HH Electronics

HH Electronics refreshes Audio Works

UK – Located in Northampton, Audio Works is a dedicated rehearsal facility catering for every kind of artist, from absolute beginner to seasoned professional. With three soundproofed rehearsal rooms and a wide range of leading brand back-line and drum-kits available for clients’ use, this popular facility has gone from strength to strength since it opened in 2010.
A little over two years ago, Audio Works was taken over by new owners who, while retaining the key features that had been essential in creating the studio’s great reputation, wished to refresh and add a new dimension to the business. Having redecorated and re-lit the rehearsal spaces and added a fully-equipped daytime meeting space to their offer, the Audio Works team also took the decision to upgrade their audio systems.
Director at Audio Works, Andy Labrum, invested in an HH Electronics solution, choosing loudspeakers from the UK manufacturer’s Tensor range:
“I’m keen to make sure that bands visiting Audio Works have the best possible experience from the minute they enter – that obviously has to include fantastic audio systems. A couple of members of my own band had seen a demo of the HH Tensor Series and were raving about it. With that kind of enthusiasm, I thought I’d better check it out for myself and wasn’t disappointed.”
Each of the three rehearsal rooms at Audio Works was equipped with two Tensor TRE-1201 12” active loudspeakers and two TRS1500 active subs, to provide a robust solution that delivers exceptional performance and reliability. The Tensor range was created in 2020 by HH with two key focus points in mind – premium audio performance and fantastic value for money, making it the perfect choice for applications like Audio Works, where great sound is essential but budgets can be tight.
Andy continues: “The speakers sound incredible, whatever the style or genre of music going through the system. Whether it’s a full-on band really going for it, someone using to backing tracks, or playing gentle acoustic material, the clarity and depth of sound is stunning – the response from musicians using the rooms has been excellent.”
Audio Works continues to develop its offering, and has diversified into providing office space on a newly constructed mezzanine which is currently being used by a local charity. A new online booking system has made access to the facilities easier, enabling the operation to run more efficiently, and now equipped with premium HH Electronics audio systems, the future for this popular Northampton rehearsal venue looks bright.

HH Electronics

HH Electronics Delivers For BASE Culture Live Venue In England

The new HH Electronics TNA line arrays in place at the live venue at BASE Culture Music Group in Yorkshire.


CEO Mike Krompass designs system headed by TNA line arrays to support local community-driven events and assist in the development of local independent artists.

BASE Culture Music Group, a record company and music distribution and publishing company in Yorkshire, England that also runs a professional sound recording and mix studio, recently implemented a new audio system in its coffee/wine bar and live music venue that utilizes HH Electronics TNA line arrays.

As a Community Interest Company (CIC), part of BASE Culture’s role is to support local community-driven events and assist in the development of local independent artists. The organization is headed by CEO Mike Krompass, who also works on the installation of sound systems across a range of UK venues.

“When I was first introduced to the new TNA line array, I was blown away,” he says. “We installed the system into several venues and achieved amazing results — every client was thrilled with how it sounded, so naturally, having seen and heard it in action, and be received so positively, we wanted to place it into BASE Culture HQ.”

Launched earlier this year, the TNA line array was designed for small to medium-sized applications and is based around the TNA-2120SA, a multi-channel active subwoofer with integrated class D amplifier that incorporates dual 12-inch woofers, as well as the TNA1800SA single 18-inch active subwoofer. With three channels amplification, the TNA-2120SA houses six built-in DSP presets and as part of a modular system can power up to six satellite TNA-2051 passive, two-way compact line array loudspeakers.

At BASE Culture, Krompass has deployed a ground stacked system comprising (per side) a TNA-1800S, a TNA-2120SA and four TNA 2051. A pair of HH Electronics TRM-1201 compact, active monitors complete the picture.

“It’s a perfect fit for the venue, maintaining all the high quality and sonic characteristics that you’d expect from the HH brand,” Krompass concludes. “The system is amazingly comparable to high-end line array products, whilst being available at a fraction of the price.”

HH Electronics

HH Electronics Tessen Line Array Shines in Tzaneen

The HH Electronics Tessen Line Array recently made a splash at the Tzaneen Pastors Fraternal Worship Conference, held at the AFM Fountain of Life Church.

The ground-stacked configuration of the HH Electronics TNA-1800S, TNA-2120SA, and TNA-2051 delivered exceptional sound quality that impressed attendees.

According to Chimmy Machimana, the Front of House sound engineer for the event, “The HH Electronics Tessen Line Array blew me away. The sound was crystal clear with a very punchy low end, and the coverage was impressive. More impressive is what we were able to achieve in a room with very challenging acoustics. As you can see, the space is only at the tail end of a construction effort. The sanctuary is yet to be carpeted and treated for sound. “

Pastor Frank Ntlemo, a Pastor and musician at the conference, was equally impressed with the line array, stating that they planned to secure funds to have it installed in their new church building. It’s a testament to the quality of the Tessen Line Array that it left such an impression on attendees.

Dr Pat Malungani, owner of Mbhetse Productions, a sound hire company, also had positive feedback about HH Electronics. He praised the clarity of the TRE-1201 model and its ability to deliver pristine sound even in challenging acoustic environments. We used the TRE-1201 on stage as monitors for the speaker and lead vocalist with exceptional results.

Overall, the HH Electronics Tessen Line Array was a standout at the Tzaneen Pastors Fraternal Worship Conference. It’s a powerful tool that can elevate any worship experience and is sure to impress anyone who hears it. We are excited by the overwhelmingly positive response to the brand in the region and are confident that our efforts to support our local retail partners to promote it will yield great results.

ApexPro is the sole distributor of HH Electronics in sub-Saharan Africa. Contact us to book your demo.

HH Electronics

HH Electronics TNA Line Array Presses Case at Cidermill Theatre

Photo: Andy Marshall & Acanthus Clews Architects

The Cidermill Theatre is a new performing arts theatre owned and run by Chipping Camden School in Gloucestershire, UK. Built to serve both the school and the wider Cotswold community, the £4million venue was opened in October 2022 at a launch event which featured actor Ben Miller and chart-topping singer Jennifer Paige, who performed a set including her international hit Crush.

Centred on the Rockspring Auditorium (capacity 292 seated, 450 standing), the complex also includes a dance studio, black box studio, lounge area, rehearsal spaces, classroom, café and bar. The Theatre enjoys a full range of professional facilities and is quickly developing an impressive programme of theatrical performances, live music, dance, cinema screenings and talks. An essential component of any modern, flexible performing arts centre is its audio provision, and the Theatre consulted with specialist Michael Krompass at BASE Culture about a suitable system.

Krompass had no hesitation in recommending HH Electronics’ new TNA line array, having experienced a demonstration of the system when it was launched. Perfect for small to medium sized venues, the TNA offers a compact, active package that is easy to set up and packs a powerful punch that belies its size. The system is based around the TNA-2120SA, a multi-channel active subwoofer with integrated Class D amplifier which features two high power 12” low frequency woofers with exceptionally high output, and the TNA1800SA a powerful single 18” active low frequency subwoofer. With three channels of high performance amplification, the TNA-2120SA houses six cutting edge built-in DSP presets and as part of a modular system can power up to six satellite TNA-2051 passive, two-way compact line array loudspeakers, offering an ideal solution that does away with the extra expense of rack amplifiers and processors.

The main Rockspring auditorium was equipped with a full system comprising one TNA2120SA, two TNA1800SA and six TNA2051 units per side. BASE Culture also supplied five HH Electronics TRM-1201 12” active stage monitors and a single TRM-1500 active sub for use as a drum fill. In order to maximise the flexibility of the space, the system is ground-stacked, its easy portability enabling quick setup and take down times.

Cidermill Theatre Technician Laurence Iles is impressed by the system: “We definitely made the right choice by going with Michael’s recommendation. The system is perfect for the space, sounds brilliant and has more than enough headroom to cater for everything we stage within the auditorium. It’s most definitely a high quality system that comes in at a very competitive price.”

Michael Krompass of BASE Culture added: “The HH TNA line array system was a superb fit for The Cidermill Theatre install. Its elegant look and sleek aesthetic compliment the theatre design perfectly. The PA packs a punch, sounds outstanding and is easily comparable to systems many times its price range.

“HH was the perfect choice and the client has been blown away by the results. I love the bottom end, clarity and smooth natural compression that it throws out. HH is now my go-to choice for venues of all shapes and sizes – dependable, high-quality and always exceeds sonic expectations.”

HH Electronics

HH Electronics expands its Asian distribution network

L–R: Fast Tech’s Sounin Chan and D Wong and DLPro Team

APAC: HH Electronics, in partnership with Generation AV, has appointed Fast Technologies to distribute products in Cambodia with DLPro doing the same in Vietnam, as evidence of the company’s intention to establish a firm footprint in the region.

Commenting on Fast Technologies’ appointment as official HH partner for Cambodia, CEO Sounin Chan commented: “We are excited to be chosen by HH as its distributor. The UK-designed product range is of the highest quality and is very competitively priced for the Cambodian market. HH Electronics’ products will be a great asset for our dealers and system integrators in the fixed installation and MI retail markets. We have great confidence in the products and look forward to building the HH brand in Cambodia.”

In Vietnam, DLPro’s CEO, Mr Sau was equally happy to partner with HH: “I’m very pleased to be granted the rights to distribute HH Electronics’ products in Vietnam and am proud and happy to be a part of the HH family. I strongly believe that HH is a very promising brand for Vietnam’s AV market.”

Ian Wright, director of global sales for the Headstock Group, added: “We’ve only been working with these fine companies for a relatively short time, but they’ve already done incredible work to introduce the HH brand to their respective markets. Both have met with strong and positive responses that have seen immediate results. Multiple projects in both countries now feature HH products in their designs, giving us cause to believe we have a very bright future in Cambodia and Vietnam.”

HH Electronics

HH Electronics Appoints Koil Corporation as Distributor in South Korea

HH Electronics, UK-based manufacturer of audio systems for the pro, MI and installed markets, and part of the Headstock Group of companies, is pleased to announce the appointment of Koil Corporation as its official distribution partner in South Korea. Koil will work closely with both HH and Generation AV, HH’s appointed sales agency in the region.

Koil’s President, Ms Jo Mi Jung, is enthusiastic about the new partnership:

“Koil Corporation is thrilled to work with HH Electronics, a company with long history and clear passion for the audio industry. HH Electronics’ product line-ups will be optimal choice not only for our sales channels but also for end-users.”

Ian Wright, Headstock’s Director of Global Sales agrees:

“We’re very happy to be embarking on this exciting new partnership with Koil, and look forward to seeing the HH brand continue to grow and thrive within the region. As a highly professional, well-respected company with a very talented and experienced team, Koil is the perfect partner for HH in Korea. We look forward to building a strong, long-term relationship with them.”

James Laney, Headstock CEO, added:

“We are delighted to be working with Koil. We share a mutual goal to fulfil the potential for HH products in Korea, and look forward to a long and successful partnership.”

After more than fifty years in the industry, HH Electronics continues to design and create high-quality, competitively-priced audio products which meet the demands of a wide range of vertical markets across the globe.